Bioptron Lamp Repair Contact Budapest

Can I help you? Write!


Send the error by email, I will reply to this and give you a time when you can bring the lamp. You can also send the bioptron lamp for repair by courier. Please don’t leave without an appointment! Bioptron lamp repair availability:

Pest – Újpalota 1151 Budapest Szövőgyár utca 2., (appointment required)
Buda – Óbuda 1037 Bp. Vadóc utca 122, (appointment required)
Countryside – our GLS courier goes to your house for the package!
Service: +36 70 420 2108


Nationwide door-to-door bioptron lamp service. Whether it is Debrecen, Győr, Miskolc, Kecskemét, Szeged, Veszprém, Székesfehérvár, Békéscsaba, Nyíregyháza, Cegléd or Budapest. The GLS courier goes to your home to collect the package!

How is the bioptron lamp repaired in the service after you sent an email?

1. If you sent your bioptron lamp repair request by email, you will receive a time in the reply when you can bring in or send the zepter device to the service center by mail.

2. If we have inspected the zepter lamp, we will make a price offer for its repair.

3. If you request the repair of the zepter medical lamp, we will carry out the service on time and notify you about the possibility of taking it over.

4. If you did not request the repair, you do not have to pay anything.
Unless you sent it by courier.

5. You can make the payment in cash, by bank transfer or electronically. Payment by bank card requires the Simple mobile application (and an available server).

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